Amazing content ideas will be falling from the sky!
Fill your profile with inspiration, aspiration and celebration.
Writer’s block doesn’t stand a chance.
Never be stuck for a topic again; your wordcloud will always prompt personalized ideas.
Easily create SEO optimized titles.
Once you’ve set up your business’s profile, Ninja Neno will populate your wordcloud with tons of keywords.
Easily glean inspiration from clouds based on your business, industry, customer, and products or services.
The keywords in your cloud allow you to populate TitleTopics and create SEO optimized titles to use as clickable headlines for all your posts.
Spark content inspiration.
You can always fill in TitleTopics with whatever you want. But the Wordcloud makes it super easy to creat tons of personalized ideas in a snap.
Simply highlight the word or phrase in the cloud, then copy/paste into your TitleTopic. It’s so easy, you can make dozens of content headlines in less than a minute.
Want to see it in action? Play the video to the right.
Ready to catch the ideas falling from your cloud?
Get started now and have up to 30 days to play; we have a free 30-day trial.
Writing Ninja is an online story development platform that makes it really easy for writers to create professional quality stories for screenplays and novels.
Why Writing Ninja
On the Ninja Blog
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