This program has ended.

The Ninja Strong program ended in December 2021.

Please visit our membership page for all current Writing Ninja offers.

April 6, 2020

These are uniquely hard times.
We know a LOT of small businesses who were happily chugging along, doing their thing, when this terrible virus came along and WHAM! All of a sudden, “Business as Usual” became far from usual.

Social Distancing has impacted SO many businesses. We’re not able to open our doors… we can’t go out and interact with our customers… we need to stay home and wait for the all-clear. Until then, how can we stay connected with our customers?

But there is one thing we can still do from home: Online Marketing.

During business as usual times, many small business owners may not have time to even think about a Content Marketing plan, let alone execute it.

But right now we can take advantage of what we DO have during this shutdown:

  • Time
  • Online Access
  • Bloggin’ Ninja

Since Bloggin’ Ninja can help you find things to talk to your customers about on social media and your website/blog, we want to let people use it during this challenging time. Hopefully, our Ninja Tools can take your mind off the news for a while and instead help you plan your calendar, so you know what to post and when to do it.

Then, when we can all get to go back to running our day-to-day business as usual, you’ll have an easy marketing plan already in place. And you can go back to what you love: running your small business.

Giving Back

So to try and help with where we can, we’re gonna give away access (100 free, the rest 50% off) to any business who wants to try to make use of their work from home time.

What do we want in return? Just your success.

We want to do our part, coz we’re all in this together. So we’ll do whatever we can to help you make the most of this forced downtime — and turn it into productive time.

So we hope that by sharing our marketing tools, you can help your business can grow now… and after this is over. Our wish for all of us is that we not only just get through this crisis, but we come out stronger on the other side.

So we come out Ninja Strong.

Interested in applying? Check out the Ninja Strong Program

BTW: This blog post idea was created using Bloggin’ Ninja’s TitleTopic #54: “Newsjacking for Good”

Writing Ninja is an online story development platform that makes it really easy for writers to create professional quality stories for screenplays and novels.


On the Ninja Blog

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